Safety & fire protection
The challenges in the area of safety result from the complexity and constant change of urban environments as well as the increasing demands from population growth, increasing complexity of transport, infrastructure expansion and environmental changes.
By making targeted use of synergies with other specialist departments in our company, we are able to react flexibly to changing issues. With our expertise and many years of experience, we offer a wide range of services in the fields of safety, fire protection and RAMS. Our safety concepts and risk analyses serve as an important basis for decision-making when planning and implementing projects.
Railway safety
- Alarm and rescue concepts
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of personal and environmental risks
- Proof of tunnel safety using recognised QRA methodology
- Proof of safety in the event of deviations from regulations
- Proportionality of risk-reducing measures using cost-benefit analyses
- Risk analysis and planning of measures for parallel rail - road routings in accordance with AB-EBV and VSS Standard 71 253
- Risks of collision of railway vehicles with overpasses, road bridges and buildings in accordance with AB-EBV and UIC Code 777-2
- Safety and RAM analyses
- Expert tunnel safety and risk assessment body
Road Safety
- Risk analysis for national highway tunnels in accordance with ASTRA 19004 (NST Risk© software tool)
- Risk screening and risk assessments for environmental and personal risks according to officially recognised methods
- Passive safety and protective measures
- Infrastructure safety Instruments (ISSI)
Operational safety
- Emergency and safety concepts
- Risk assessment of explosion risks in accordance with the Ordinance on Explosive Substances (SprstV) and military directives (WSUME, TLM)
- Concepts for event management and crisis intervention
- Security concepts
- Fire protection planning
- Quality assurance in fire protection
- Fire protection in the company
- Verification procedures in fire protection
Prevention of accidents
- Short reports and risk assessments in accordance with the Major Accidents Ordinance (StFV) for companies, traffic routes and pipeline systems
- Risk analyses for the transport and handling of hazardous goods
- Accident prevention for civilian operations involving explosives
- Site and project developments along accident-relevant transport routes
- Calculation and representation of the damage effects of accident scenarios using EFFECTS software
Environmental risks
- Hazard and risk analyses for transport routes and companies
- Cost / benefit analyses of environmental measures
- Natural hazards
- Risks due to climate change
- Earthquake safety and tremors
Occupational safety
- Health and safety protection concepts (SiGeKo)
- Dealing with hazardous substances
- Safety concepts and risk analyses for construction work in the vicinity of high-voltage installations
Assessment of hazard and benefit potentials
- Development and application of risk-based approaches
- Setting protection objectives and risk assessment criteria
- Sustainability analysis NISTRA and SNBS infrastructure
- Business Impact Analyses (BIA), Business Continuity Management (BCM)
Bern, Biel/Bienne, Brig, Bulle, Spiez, Fribourg/Freiburg, Kopenhagen (DK), Frankfurt (DE)