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Railway Connection Voronezh - New International Airport

The consultancy services provided for MostGeoCenter Ltd dealt with the proposal of different variants of Light Railway Systems connections, a global study of exploitation settings, as well as a comparison with European models. The next step consisted in a more detailed investigation of a preferred scenario with focus on cost, revenues and time schedules, as a preparation to preliminary design. In parallel a cost-earning-analysis as basis for a PPP-realization has been done.

MostGeoCenter Ltd.
Infrastructure;Rail infrastructure;Mobility and traffic;Rail systems / traffic management systems (TMS)
Erbrachte Leistungen
Proposal on transport system and organisation
Definition of different scenarios
Model assessment
Global cost estimation (LCC-basis)
Revenue estimation / phase
Assessment and development of a PPP approach
Proposal on project schedule
Elaboration on traffic planning during construction phases
Charakteristische Angaben
Train interval: 10 min. (peak hours)
Passengers: 450 / train
Speed: 25 km/h