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ETCS Level 2 Denmark, Traffic Management

The Traffic Management is the railway-operation’s central element to assure the expected improvement in operational performance put forward to justify the investments into the Signalling Programme, the implementation of ETCS level 2 on the entire network of Denmark. With regards to the duplication of traffic in the future, latest science operational processes are applied to traffic management by centralised traffic control centres.

The objective of operational performance is satisfying the expectations of present and future rail customers. The institutional relationship between the infrastructure operator and the train operating companies is designed based on responsibilities to align processes to achieve this. The improvement in the effectiveness of the Traffic Management is based on the introduction of a control loop model of traffic management incorporating also conflict-prediction and real-time rescheduling processes (conflict resolution).

Banedanmark – The Railway Infrastructure Operator of Denmark
Fields of activity
Infrastructure;Rail infrastructure;Mobility and traffic;Rail systems
Delivered services
Description of Customer’s service perception
Design of Traffic Management Processes
Description of roles of all the stakeholders and their representation on the TMS
Description of a proper Decision Support System
Outline the Workflow at the Control Centre
Setting up Interfaces to other systems
Overall design and configuration of Control Centre
Passengers per day: 440'000
Freight per day: 25'000 t
Access points (stations): 250
Trains per day: 2700
Line length: 2100 km
Staff: 2500
Signalling Programme migration period: till 2021